Getting Started:
- Navigate to the My Account area (top right).
- Select Notifications.
- Scroll to Customer Booking Confirmations.
- From here select the clear switch and turn it green.
Once green you then need to decide when you would like customers to get the Confirmation Email/Text.
A full breakdown of how this works can be found within the system underneath the above fields.
Once all options have been decided, remember to Save.
Please Take Note of the Following:
1. No confirmation emails or SMS messages will be sent between the hours of 8 pm and 8 am (Vendor Time Zone).
2. If a customer makes a booking between the number of days before booking and the number of hours before booking times, the email/SMS will be scheduled midway between when the booking was made and the number of hours before booking time.
3. If you enable the SMS option for this feature, only an SMS will be sent. An SMS and email will not be sent to the customer.
Activate Confirmation SMS:
(Please keep in mind that the SMS service has an extra cost and operates on a pre-paid basis. Please click here to learn more about this, as well as how to activate SMS.)
- Go to the Settings section (bottom left).
- Choose SMS.
- Make sure SMS Messaging is turned on.
- Make sure you have credit available.
- Scroll all the way down to SMS Booking Service.
- Scroll down to Send an SMS to Customer requesting confirmation of their booking and toggle the switch to enable this service (ON).
Note: Customer Booking Confirmation must be enabled in order for this to be activated/saved.