Now it's time to accept your order in Kounta. The below lesson will show options/best practices for both accepting cash orders and paid orders.
Note: you will have the option to choose to accept cash orders or not and have the ability to set up a payment gateway in 'Lesson 10 - Adding a Payment Gateway'.
Accepting an Order
1 - When an order is sent to Kounta, your Kounta POS will highlight the order (top right) and you be able to enter it into your order screen.
2 - Select the order.
3 - Accept the order. If the order is pre-paid, continue to checkout. If the order is cash, when you close the order is dependent on your own policy and procedures.
Note: if allowing both cash and pre-paid orders, you can use the notes field to see if the order has been paid or not.
4 - If the order is paid, since you have used an external payment gateway to process the order, it is recommended you create a new payment type to 'Close the Order' off. This will then not affect your day-to-day sales/reports. More info can be found here.
However, this is easy to do and all you need to do is go to 'Company Settings > Payment Types'.
5 - Once the new payment type has been made, you can close the order. In this case, we would select WOWAPPS.
Once the order has been accepted (and/or closed off) it will then sit in the pending area.
Once the Order is Ready
When the order is ready, select the order from the pending screen and mark the order as 'Ready'.
If you have allowed 'Order is Ready' notifications, this will also notify the customer. You can find more about this by clicking here.
Your Order will then be moved to the 'Online Order' tab, where you can mark it as done when you're ready.
What's Next?
Lesson 9 - Pre-ordering.