This is where you will be able to start to accept online payments.
To connect either Stripe or Square, you should follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Settings section of the system (at bottom of the left menu).
- Select Setup Payments.
- Click on the Square or Stripe icon.
- Once selected, you will be asked to log in and accept all and any permissions.
- Once selected, you will be redirected back to WOWAPPS, where you can finish the set-up.
Once you're redirected back to WOWAPPS you will see a few additional areas - 'Service Fee (%)' and 'Surcharge'.
Applying a Square Service Fee (%)
Use this area to pass on any fees back to the customer. For example, you might have a processing rate of 2% set up with Square - you have the option to either charge back the full 2% to the customer, or you may want to only charge back 1%.
To enable a service fee:
Click 'Apply Fee' and enter the % amount in the space provided.
Remember to 'Save'.
Applying a Surcharge
Use this area to apply a surcharge over and beyond your service fee. For example, on certain days you might need to add a surcharge to cover higher wage costs etc.
To do this:
- Simply select the type of surcharge (should it be 'Fixed' or '% of Order').
- Add the amount ($ or %).
- If you want you can also give the surcharge a name.
- Then hit 'Save'.
What's Next?