In Request Mode, the Interval tab is really simple. It is only when we start working with instant availability (Table Mode and Max Pax) these settings come into play a little bit. However, for Request Mode, it is recommended the below features are set:
Setting 1 - What is the Time Interval between Your Booking Widget's Time Slots?
This setting is optional and is where you set the time intervals for when a customer can make a booking. This is set to 15 minutes by default and can be changed by using the selector and entering the required time. The decision that needs to be made here is whether would you like your customers to book every:
15 minutes - e.g. 6.15 pm, 6.30 pm, 6.45 pm etc.
30 minutes - e.g. 6.30 pm, 7 pm, 7.30 pm and so on.
Setting 2 - What is Your Average Seating Duration?
In Request Mode this has minimal impact and WOWAPPS suggests keeping this to 15 minutes.
Setting 3 - Enable Max Pax (Off) - Required
If you want to put your widget in Max Pax mode, use this option. If you do not want to do this, leave it turned off (by default). To learn more about Max Pax, click here.
Setting 4 - Revert to Request Mode (On) - Required
If you want to use the widget in Request Mode, make sure this is always turned on. Turning this off will prevent your booking widget from working.
What's Next?
Step 6 - Editing Your Availability